Sorry about the picture quality.
So here I am, barely started and yet bulging nicely, I think.
At least I'm attributing it to the baby and not to that gallon
of ice cream...
According to reliable sources, the fetus is now around the size of a grain
of rice, I think. Next month maybe I'll have ultrasound pictures for you.
See you then!
Okay, sorry, no pictures this time. I can tell you, though, we're
really starting to see some action! I don't remember its being this quick to bulge
last time. Oh well, they say the second time around your body remembers how to do
everything, so maybe that's why. The fetus is now about the size of a peanut, and has
a heartbeat! (I know, I heard it. Wish I could put a realaudio file up, but I couldn't
figure out how to record it digitally in the doctor's office. Oh, by the way, we didn't
do the ultrasound, and won't until month four, because everything seems to be going
according to schedule.
Well, finally, another picture! And as you can see, growth is progressing rather
quickly - though I'm really hoping it'll slow down a bit now that the first trimester
is over and I don't have to eat constantly to avoid feeling ill. Still no ultrasound
pictures, not till next month. The heartbeat's still going strong, though, and I just
can't wait till s/he starts moving perceptibly. That's when it really feels like I have
somebody with me all the time. Well, that's all for now!
Here we are on October 23, 1996, right around the 16 week
mark. Those of you who have looked at ultrasound images
before may have an advantage in interpreting these ones -
I know it isn't necessarily immediately obvious what's
what. The first one is fairly clear, though, I think:
that's the baby in profile, and that's its head on the
right, with a little pointy nose. I think that's a foot
in the top left area, that little white blob. More
pictures soon!
In the second one, I think the baby was in motion, because
the image is a little more blurred. Still recognizable,
though, once you know that you're looking at the profile
of a baby. Some of you may know that Laurie and I decided
to keep ourselves in suspense, so we don't know whether it's
a boy or a girl. We'll let you know as soon as we do! Feel free
to bet on the outcome...
We have perceptible motion! Laurie hasn't been able to detect it yet despite
his best efforts (junior is a little shy, even of his/her father apparently)
but take my word for it, there are definite little limbs poking me from the
inside. Don't worry, it isn't painful or anything, just a delightful little
reminder that I have company. I'm feeling great, and I hope the baby is too!
I'll have to try to remember this feeling in a couple of months when I can
hardly drag myself around... Well, see you next month!
According to a reliable source, the baby is now 8 to ten inches long, which
explains why it's so easy to feel its motion from the outside. As you can
see, I'm approximately house-sized now, and enjoying the freedom from
spending long minutes in the morning choosing what to wear. As I now have
around 3 possible outfits that fit, it's really just a matter of "Okay,
what's clean?"
Seriously, though, my mother and I have been sewing up a storm to keep me
nicely clothed, and haven't done too badly so far. All is well with baby
and mother, and I'm still feeling that mid-trimester glow. Oh, and Laurie has
felt the baby move, too! See you next month!
Hello again! The baby now weighs about 2 pounds! So what about the other
30 or so pounds I'm carrying around, you ask? Well, you know, the baby
needs a support system, and I have to have reserves for the ordeal of
birth and nursing and all that! So really, all this is necessary...
I'm feeling a little more tired lately, understandably enough, and have
been experiencing some interesting Braxton-Hicks contractions, too. Had
me a bit worried while I was in the Bahamas visiting Laurie's family, but
all was and is well, and we expect to deliver at term and not before.
The baby can occasionally be seen moving from the outside now, which is kind
of cool, but also pretty strange - like there's an alien or something in
there. Quite the little acrobat, too!
Okay, I know I missed 7 months, but I was busy, okay? Anyway, here's my
eight month picture, and am I not impressively large? As I write this,
I'm actually almost 9 months along, due to the delay inherent in getting
pictures taken and developed and all that. Could happen anytime!
Not a whole lot to report, except that yes, I'm feeling huge, and yes,
it's getting uncomfortable to sleep. My hips are sore when I wake up,
because I have to sleep on my side (otherwise arteries get blocked and
bad stuff like that).
That's all for now. With any luck, I'll be posting baby pictures in just a
few days! Wait for it!
Well, as most of you know, the wait is over! This is me mere hours before Ilana
emerged into the world. I had a premonition that the moment was close at hand,
and asked Laurie to take a last picture in the familiar pose. By this time I was
feeling more than ready for the baby to come out, although I was trying to be patient.
As you can see, I had good reason to be impatient! I was bigger than I've ever been
in my life, and those extra pounds were wearing on me. I was tired, uncomfortable,
and starting to worry (due to something the doctor said) that if the baby didn't come
soon I'd end up with a C-section! The baby, you see, was getting rather large, as far
as the doctor could see.
Labour, while not exactly a snap, was at least fairly quick. But I'll give you all the
details of that on the next page, (drumroll, please...) the BABY PAGE!!!
Till next time, then! Hope you enjoyed the page as much as I enjoyed making it.