
Hello. These are some pictures and links to some of my friends. If you'd like to have an image or link on this page, please send me a picture or a URL so I can add you.

Laurie's little brother, Jeff Nyveen
My friend and first Dungeon Master, Joe Hackett
My friend and colleague, Joshua Delahunty
My friend Caroline
The swing band I'm playing clarinet in, The Disciples of Ursula

These are my friends Leo and Kelly. Leo is holding their son, Jacob.

And here's a recent one of Jacob, riding a strangely sluggish mount.

Here's the latest picture of Drew and Karen's new baby, Holly. She was born in May of 98 (or possibly late April - I'm not sure)

A lot of my friends with Web pages are people I met on IF, the Interactive Fantasy Network, which is now sadly defunct. Their names may seem a little strange to you, but trust me, they're good people.

IF People:
lab rat
Siobhan MacKenna

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